An exclusive range of Sunstone Orgonite Protection Pyramid is here at Natural Agate. Sunstone instills good nature, heightens intuition and allows the real self to shine through happily. It dissipates fearfulness, alleviates stress and increases vitality. Encourages independence and originality. Especially helpful to those who have difficulty saying ?No? to others. All people with problems to achieve stability and personal strength may consider to wear this stone. It will give them personal power and integrity to fight for their interest, and encourage them to oppose the maltreatment by others. Sunstone is believed to help overcome phobia and mental problems such as depression. The gold and orange shades of Sunstone identify with the Sacral Chakra, or Second Chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. Orgonite pyramid helps to filter and balance energy fields in our environment and can aid in strengthening your energy body by converting low frequency energy into a higher frequency that is more beneficial for life forms including yourself, pets and plants.